[Ponte Alto] Storvik's Post Pensic Revel!

Grey Goose ggoose1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 06:51:36 PDT 2010

Greetings unto our good friends in Ponte Alto this hot and muggy day.

Pre-Pensic Panic is reaching a fevered pitch, so it is only right that we
look forward to the Post Pensic Dessert Revel! Wonderful prizes are on offer
for the best Pensic No S* story as well as the best bruise. Not going to
Pensic? We have something for you too! Bring your best story about why you
couldn't go to Pensic and vie for Lady Teleri's prize.

The recent discussions of the costs of events serendipitously coincided with
a generous donation to the glorious Barony of Storvik to offset some of the
site fee. Yes, the Post Pensic Revel suffered a blow as the site increased
the rental fees by a substantial amount this year. But, due to this
generosity, we are able to lower the fee by a dollar to $9 for adults! And
the opportunity exists to reduce your cost by another $2 by bringing a
dessert or other yummy dish to serve 8 or more.

Contests! Prizes! Raffle / Door Prize! The Most Wonderful Auction!

Lady Teleri the Well Prepared is sponsoring a contest for the best story for
why you could **not** be at Pensic. Were you held for ransom? Your castle
besieged? Tell us the story! The prize will include a lovely horn and a
complete set of the Pensic Independent.

Best Bruise Contest! To be determined by popular acclaim, the best bruise
should have developed to a spectacular array of colors by Post Pensic. The
best of the best will garner a bottle of bruise juice and whatever else
catches the autocrat's eye.

Door Prize/Raffle - An incredible amber necklace set has been donated from
far Drakenwald. Everyone who signs in will get a raffle ticket – thus the
door prize element. Additional tickets will be available for purchase. If
the Their Majesties have made Their decision, we will have the
Nexcellency(ies) draw the winning ticket.

Best Dessert – Period and Chocolate

A fine tradition! The desserts will be judged then offered to the populace
for consumption. Yum! Being a Viking Barony, the prize for best period
dessert will include a copy of Viking Age Headcoverings from Dublin. The
prize for best chocolate dessert has yet to be determined and there may be
other prizes as well.

The “No S***, There I Was” Story Contest

The grand finale of contests for this traditional event! To be judged by
Their Excellencies in one of their last official acts, bring your stories
from Pensic to regale all who were there or wanted to be there. Again, the
autocrat has not determined the prize, but it will not be to run next year's

And last, but not least – the Grand Silent Auction and Yard Sale!

Many treasures are being found in corners of castles and being brought
forth. Come and search through the many items being donated to help support
the fighter practice and other activities of the barony.

Full details can be found on the kingdom calendar at


and soon on the Barony of Storvik website with pictures!
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