[Ponte Alto] Pennsic

Nicole E. Miller schnauzer2 at cox.net
Wed Jan 6 09:20:16 PST 2010

There is no requirement for period tents for anyone (unless specified by the group you choose to camp with).  Most people do try to eventually move to a canvass tent for both the aesthetics and the comfort level (canvass breaths and you will usually have more room).  Most encampments will try to keep the modern tents off the main drag to help with the overall period look of the area, but everyone understand that these tents are expensive, much bulkier to store and carry than most moderns and for many people Pennsic is the only time they will camp.  

There are many articles about ways to disguise a modern tent (think big slip cover).

---- neacalban1 at aol.com wrote: 


Lady Belphoebe and Lord Crimthann, 
    thank you for the advice. I understood,perhaps incorrectly, that one had to have a trad tent to camp with an 'encampment' or you were stuck somewhere way out? first timers are excepted?  as far as trad tents, my heart is to get a ger.....


-----Original Message-----
From: Chad White <usarmymutt at yahoo.com>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Wed, Jan 6, 2010 11:33 am
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Pennsic

I have the FCS A-Frame tent, with doors/openings on each side.  I made the poles myself, and the center pole, being collaspable in two pieces, and everything I need for Pennsic, fit in my MiniCooper just fine. And I'm a clothes horse.  I recommend it.

Crimthann of Fid-Nemed

From: Belphoebe <belfebe at yahoo.com>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 11:01:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Pennsic


Where are you camping?  Ponte Alto usually runs an encampment.  Being your first Pennsic, you would not need a canvas tent for that.  A nylon would do if space and storage are an issue.  The Baronial encampment is perfect for first timers, and even for seasoned Pennsic goers.  It is very pleasant environment and there are no requirments for specific style tents.  

Of course, if you already have a group to camp with, and they require canvas, that's a whole different matter.  If what you are looking is canvas that is easy to pack, transport and store, I would recomment Fall Creek Sutlers.  Here is the link:  http://www.fcsutler.com/fccanvas.asp

Look at the standard tent wall.  It is perfect for one person (or two although cozy), it is canvas, it looks right, and it is less expensive than most of the tents you are going to find elsewhere.  You can make your own poles very inexpensively.  And because the poles are short (and the center one breaks in two), they are easy to transport and store.

Of course, it is not a ger, if that's what you have your heart set to.  But it's a great tent, sturdy, and dependable.  I have seen those little guys withstand the worst Pennsic storms, and that's saying something.  

True, they are used very much by the Civ War reenactors, but they do resemble many of the period tents anyway, so they look and feel right.  And nothing beats camping in canvas.

I hope that this helps.


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