[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Investiture Schedule - January 22nd

Emma West ewestsca at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 06:42:37 PST 2010

*January 22, 2011 – Ponte Alto Investiture Schedule*


*               10:00 am *Troll Opens**

*            11:00 am *Morning Court**

*            2:00 PM *Evening Court**

*            3:00 PM *Feast**

*            4:00 PM *Site Closes

*Cost: *

  Adult, Members:

$8.00 Day Trip,

$7.00 Feast

Adult, Non-members:

$13.00 Day Trip,

$7.00 Feast

Youth, 5–17:

$5.00 Day Trip,

$5.00 Feast

Children, 0– 4:

$0.00 Day Trip,

$0.00 Feast

*Make Checks Payable To:* SCA, Inc., Barony of Ponte Alto

*Site:*  Falls Church Presbyterian 225 East Broad Street Falls Church, VA

*Site Restrictions:*  No pets. Smoking in designated areas only. No open
flame. No outdoor camping. Dry site.

*Feast Information:* A feast for fifty people will be prepared by the Ponte
Alto Cook's Guild led by Michael Shives. Please direct any dietary concerns
to mikeshives[AT]me.com
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