[Ponte Alto] FW: Coming to WoW? Haven't Pre-regged? Read This Message!

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 31 06:25:20 PDT 2010

Please see below!

"Ponte Alto" is the name of the group for the drop down group name for your registration. This is similar to Pennsic in that each person is allotted land for their tent (but the size is not limited - you just need to register for the space). 

Let me know if you have any questions!


Katharine Devereaux

Baroness of Ponte Alto

Kingdom of Atlantia

> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:19:52 -0400
> From: dragonfly78 at gmail.com
> To: Atlantia at atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: [MR] Coming to WoW? Haven't Pre-regged? Read This Message!
> Greetings!
> If you are reading this then I can assume that you are planning on coming to
> War of the Wings 5.
> So if that is the case and you have not pre-regged, please do so asap.
> ACCEPS is a great way to do just that! It is quick & easy. Just click on
> this link and follow the instructions!
> http://www.warofthewings.com/reservations.htm ACCEPS pre-reg is open until
> Sept.
> Now if you are thinking, heck with it I don't need to pre-reg , there are a
> few things you might wanna think about....
> Group camping - If you want to camp with your local group, a household, or
> group of friends you MUST pre-reg. Land this year is being done
> slightly different, so the need to pre-reg is very important as it is the
> only make sure you have space with your group. So once you have pre-regged,
> click on this link to register your tent with the camping group of your
> choice! http://www.warofthewings.com/land.htm
> Day Tripping - I know normally if you are day tripping there is no need to
> pre-reg. And for the most part you are right, but I'll let you in on a
> little secret. Pre-regging is cheaper! If you take the few minutes it takes
> to pre-reg you will be saving yourself $5! Can't beat that!
> Got Kids? - Pre-regging gives us an idea of the number of children that will
> be on site, which greatly aides in planning the children's activities. Also
> it lets us have a chance to let groups know how many kids to expect for the
> Saturday afternoon "trick or treating"
> Just in general, pre-regging is a good thing to do! I gives the staff a
> heads up, so that we can change our plans to suit the number of attendees.
> The staff all want to make this event the very best it can be, and we are
> asking for your help! All you gotta do is let us know you are coming.
> If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
> dragonfly78 at gmail.com
> Lady Murienne
> WOW V, Event Steward
> ========================================================================
>                    The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
>     List Info: http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
>   Submissions: Atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
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