[Ponte Alto] Storvik Investiture

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 24 02:36:48 PDT 2010

--- On Tue, 8/24/10, Elspeth Payne <ebpayne at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Elspeth Payne <ebpayne at yahoo.com>
Subject: Please share with/post to your barony
To: "Mindy Steinfeld" <piscesgirl at md.metrocast.net>, seneschal at highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org, "Raymond Kelso" <sabiduria60606 at yahoo.com>, brightfox1 at gmail.com, seneschal at sacredstone.atlantia.sca.org, lardgaalen at aol.com, ldyelisabeth at yahoo.com, barontakeda at yahoo.com, edeconde at gmail.com, raybill57 at gmail.com, david at oakhaven.org, seneschal at marinus.atlantia.sca.org, seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org, seneschal at stierbach.atlantia.sca.org, victoria.a.howell at gmail.com
Cc: "William Stanton" <wstanton at bellatlantic.net>
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 2:02 AM

The Honorable Lord William le Younger and the Honorable Lady Sorcha Crowe invite you to attend their investiture as Baron and Baroness at Storvik's Baronial Birthday on September 17-19, 2010, at Croome Park, Maryland.  
There will be a Norse-themed A&S display, a brewers roundtable and pre-Court cocktail party.  As in years past, heavy fighting will consist of an organized campaign style melee.  The winner of each stage will determine the type of battle for the next stage.  This years event is focused on the liberation of Scotland from the English.  Will Scotland be free or live on under English Rule?  Your battle prowess will determine their fate.
Rapier, youth combat, and target archery (Alice in Wonderland theme)are also planned.  Baronial champions will be chosen, and there is a boasting competition at Feast (a delicious repast prepared by Baronecza Graciela Esperanca de Sevilla).  
Come join us to say farewell to our beloved Baroness Janina and Baron Rorik, and to celebrate the anniversary of the launching of Storvik's war ship on the seas of Atlantia!
Vivat Atlantia!



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