[Ponte Alto] question about the Zoo event

Flora flora.bayeaux at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 10:12:46 PDT 2010


No, all live steel weapons are banned except fot blunted rapier weapons.
None the less, any rattan or rapier fighters are welcome. Please be sure
your harness follows Atlantian appearence rules as we are at a high level
demo, here. If you are only comfortable talking to the crowd in garb, that's
cool. We really do need all the fighters we can get to demo and rotate.


Syr Richard

P.S. - I jhave a rapier marshall coming so we could use at least 2
rapieristas.  ;^)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rich Manzano
<rich_manzano at yahoo.com<http://us.mc566.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=rich_manzano@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM
Subject: [Ponte Alto] question about the Zoo event
To: Ponte Alto liste
<ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org<http://us.mc566.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=ponte-alto@seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>

 For folks who have been to this event before or have a good line to the
Storvik organizers.

What's the Zoo's rule on stage weapons for an event like this? Since I
probably won't be fully kitted to do the rattan fighting demo (and it's
probably be more impressive for the crowd to watch our more senior fighters
going at it for extended bouts than a couple of n00bs being dispatched in
under 5 seconds) I was considering turning out in my Hospitaller gear and
chatting with the crowd about the Middle Ages, the Crusades and what all
this other stuff is that we were demonstrating. But I don't want to be
tasered by the Park Police for wearing a small belt knife or freak somebody
out because they don't know the longsword I'd be carrying is a stage blade
and blunter than a butter knife. Nor do I want to get the SCA in any trouble
since this sounds like an event we want to continue to support.

So what are the "do's and don'ts"?

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