[Ponte Alto] Tidings

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Wed Oct 28 15:03:10 PDT 2009


As I believe most of you are aware, I have spent the past year  
striving to find gainful employ within our local economy.

True to my nature as perhaps one of the more epic (or perhaps tragic  
or comic, depending on your perspective, of course) squire errants of  
our Society, it is apparently not to be so -- since I seem to need to  
move Kingdoms every three to four years whether I want to or not.

I have finally been offered (and just accepted) a job as the Vice  
President of Strategic Marketing Intelligence working directly for the  
President and the CEO of one of the top ten to fifteen largest  
advertising agencies in the country -- which is unfortunately down in  
the fiery depths of Trimaris (Fort Lauderdale, FL).

On the positive side, it is an absolutely fantastic opportunity in a  
truly beautiful (though goddawful sunny and humid -- particularly for  
us redheads) city where a bunch of my family lives -- with the added  
benefit that I won't be homeless, unemployed and in abject poverty.   
On the negative side, it's in Trimaris and not with all y'all here in  
Ponte Alto and Atlantia.

I fervently and deeply wish that it were possible for me to stay and  
continue to enjoy the tremendous comradeship and fantastic esprit that  
we have developed together and to help continue to provide whatever  
small leadership and training support my skills might enable so as to  
help continue to move things forward... but sadly the fates have not  
willed it so.

Working with and being a part of our Scholum, Unit, and Army has been  
one of the most rewarding and fun experiences I could imagine, and I  
thank you all for helping make it happen.  All our accomplishments and  
achievements are yours, and I am humbled and grateful to have been a  
part of what you all have done together.  It is my sincere wish and  
hope that you will all continue this work to keep making it happen for  
yourselves and for our great Kingdom.

I look forward to visiting and seeing you all often at events and on  
the field -- and who knows.... I've come back to Atlantia, before!

Always in friendship and service,

Max Von Halstern

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