[Ponte Alto] Pre-Pennsic Garage Sale June 27th from 9AM til 1PM in Reston, VA

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Sun May 31 12:00:36 PDT 2009

Pre-Pennsic Garage Sale June 27th from 9AM til 1PM

No need to panic before Pennsic! :> In order to make room for an exchange student who will be visiting us for several months this summer, we are clearing out several storage areas and offering up for sale a lot of good stuff!

We have a ton of linen and wool at excellent prices, men and women's garb, armor, shields, fighting garb, books, and other miscellaneous pieces. The women's garb will suit a range of sizes from 16-22, and would better suit someone around 5'4 in height (for pieces that should be long), or would suit a taller person who wants to keep things out of the mud at Pennsic!

Because our guest arrives before the official garage sale and we would like to cut down on the sheer volume of stuff we have to store, I am offering "sneak previews" by appointment.

The garage sale will be held indoors and for SCA folks only.  please feel free to forward this to other SCA folks who might not be on this list.

The address is:

11639 Newbridge Ct, Reston VA 20191 (please don't park in numbered spots)

To arrange for a sneak preview of the goods, call 703-391-5929 to make arrangements.  I am temporarily home from work recovering from surgery, so I will definitely be reachable!



Lady Courtney de Houghton   
Clerk of Law
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA


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