[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Branchseneschals] Pennsic Gift Basket Exchange - Calontir

dcadenise at aol.com dcadenise at aol.com
Thu May 21 08:32:26 PDT 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Rozsa <bessenyeirozsa at earthlink.net>
To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org
Cc: branchseneschals at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org; Baronial elist <brnsacstone at yahoogroups.com>; OrderPhoenixEye at yahoogroups.com; keep at lists.windmastershill.org; nottinghill-coill at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 21 May 2009 10:07 am
Subject: [Branchseneschals] Pennsic Gift Basket Exchange - Calontir

(Please distribute widely and 


Good morning!!  I am pleased to announce that 
the Kingdom of Atlantia will be gifting the Kingdom of Calontir http://www.calontir.sca.org/ at 
this year's Pennsic War!


I do not currently have any personal information or 
preferences for Their Majesties Calontir, Martino III & Ariel, however 
I am endeavoring to obtain that information and will pass it along the moment I 
receive it.  


Please take a moment to consider what you may be 
able to provide for the Pennsic gift basket this year.  If you want to 
contribute, but are stumped for ideas please visit Their Majesties largess page 


In addition to the main gift basket we will also be 
in need of gifts to be distributed at a variety of functions Her Majesty Esa 
will be attending during the Pennsic War.  


Donations to the gift basket may be given to me 
directly (I will be attending Sapphire and King's Assessments), to Her Majesty's 
retinue, or dropped off to the Clan Ebonwoulfe encampment
at Pennsic August 
1-3 (Saturday through Monday). 


Please, please, please include full contact info 
for yourself on any gifts donated - and if the items is a consumable - all 


Thank you so very much for your 



Baronö Bessenyei Rozsa
Eastern NC 
Regional Seneschal
http://ebonwoulfe.com/ka.htm (King's 


Branchseneschals mailing list
Branchseneschals at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org


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