[Ponte Alto] Novice of the Heart -- Report from the Rapier field and A&S Court Happenings

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 21 12:23:19 PDT 2009


Yesterday, at Novice of the Heart, we had a new Ponte Alto rapier fighter authorized, Chris; as well as a new youth rapier, Austin.  Both are wonderful additions to our rapier contingent, and Chris did very well in the rapier Novice Tourney.

Ponte Alto counted with a good number of rapier combatants in the Challenge of the Heart tourney:  Geofrey ap Clwyd, Baron Marcellus, Baroness Catalina, Chris, Alric, and Yours Truly.  We all did very well and in the end Marcellus won the tournament.  Ponte Alto fencers rule!

Last but not least, Lord Geoffrey was called into Court by Their Majesties, where he was inducted into the Order of the Pearl, while Lord Connor Sinclar was inducted into the Order of the Coral Branch.

If I have missed anyone, please pipe in!

Vivant for our Ponte Alto rapier fighters and artisans!  You all rock!


Your Friendly Neighborhood MoAS and Rapier Cheerleader

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