[Ponte Alto] Pennsic

dcadenise at aol.com dcadenise at aol.com
Mon Jun 15 09:57:52 PDT 2009

Greetings Dear Barony

Pennsic is 38 days away!? 

Today is the last day to register for Pennsic on line.? If you do not register today, you will not be guaranteed camping space at Pennsic......so go on line now and please register.? On line link to register for Pennsic is here:? 

If you plan on camping with the Barony, please make sure you visit the Baronial website for instructions:

Also, please take a moment to also go on line and plan out your Pennsic vacation.? There are tons of martial and A&S activities.? I know I noticed a few classes and the Lady of the Rose Tourney peaked my interest.

In service
Countess Denise Duvalier, OP
Baronial Seneschal

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