[Ponte Alto] Private Auction at Pennsic

dcadenise at aol.com dcadenise at aol.com
Mon Jul 20 10:58:48 PDT 2009

Greetings Unto the Knowne World, 


As most of you probably know by now, Duchess Arielle the Golden from Atlantia is finally at 
peace after her very long and painful struggle with her cancer. 

I wanted to make sure everyone knew that the private auction to help with some of the 
expenses related to her treatment will be taking place at Pennsic to assist her husband Duke 
Valahric , who needs our love and support now more than ever. 


This auction will take place on THURSDAY AUGUST 6TH at the ATLANTIAN ROYAL 
Encampment. There are some amazing baskets being put together from all over the Knowne 
World, including Drachenwald, Gleann Abhann, Atlantia, the East Kingdom, Aethalmearc, 
The Midrealm and some other individual efforts. All of the baskets are over-flowing with 
amazing items...here are just SOME of the items on the Auction block........


West Kingdom- "The Foodie's Dream Basket" with jams, mustards, spices, sauces, 
wines. Perfect for that Iron Chef! 

Midrealm- "For the Lady of the House" includes Jams, Teas, Cordials, Chocolate, Viels, 
Jewelry, Candy, Bath Salts, Candles, note cards and more! Perfect gift for any lady!!! 

Gleann Abhann- "Gleann Abhann Goodies!"- Gleann Ahbann has New Orleans and 
Memphis in it's boundries as well as some talented people This basket will have you 
eating well, drinking well, and relaxing southern style!

GORGEOUS wooden Feast Box and Feast Gear (provided by Sir Justus of Atlantia). - 
This beautiful hand-made box includes everything you need to feast in style! This item 
has to be seen to be appreciated.

Stained Glass Window- Winning this bid will get you a Stained Glass Window with the 
Arms of your choice; personal, household, Kingdom. 

Drachenwald- WHERE YOUR PERSONA IS FROM!!!! Drachenwald is sending hand made 
items from her Artisians far across the sea for this auction....trust us when we say that 
there will be a lot of competition for this basket. 

Australian Aboriginal Painting

Again, these are just SOME of the items that will be up for grabs. Also it is NOT TOO LATE 
to donate! Please contact me at: duchessmarygrace at yahoo.com 


All of the items will be on display at Atlantian Royal from Wednesday August 5th. You will be 
allowed to enter an advanced bid. PLEASE NOTE that there will be a live Auction beginning 
at 9 pm on THURSDAY AUGUST 7TH AT ATLANTIAN ROYAL. So if you are going to enter an 
advanced bid if you cannot be at the Auction, please put your TOP price or you may be 

Also, Some of the items, in addition to some others, will be Auctioned at Vlad's during their 
annual Charity Auction as well. 

In addition, many of us that knew and loved Arielle dearly, know how much she loved pink 
and how much she loved to shop! For this reason, we have dubbed Midnight Madness, "PINK 
SHOPPING" night and we encourage everyone to wear pink in her honor. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped with the organization and for all the 


Duchess Mary-Grace of Gatland 
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