[Ponte Alto] Info request

Bageria Bubasti bageria1 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 8 10:03:59 PST 2009

Though I appreciate all the lovely places people have sent me links to these are out of my price range. I was hoping someone could give me locations that are pretty where we have normal SCA event. I assume these are much less expensive than castles and cloisters. Don't get me wrong I would love to get married some place like that I just can't afford it. Thanks again
Gwen Bengrech verch Gruffith 
"The problem with the world is that everyone

is a few drinks behind."

Humphrey Bogart

From: bageria1 at hotmail.com
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 02:32:55 -0500
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Info request

Hello everyone,
 I haven't lived in Ponte Alto long and have only been to a couple of events in the area so I feel bad asking this as most of you don't know me. My name
is Gwen Bengrech verch Gruffith some of you met me last year at Chalise of the Sun God, I helped with both set up and Cooking.

 My significant other of 6 years just proposed to me a few days ago. I was wondering if anyone could give me information on sites that would be pretty for a wedding and reception that was relatively inexpensive. We want an outdoors wedding and I couldn't think of better people to consult than those who set up local events all the time. I don't know the area that well so I don't know where would be a good place to start. There would be alcohol at this event and it would be for 50-100 people. Any help on venues and pricing would be appreciated. Please e-mail me off list so I"m not taking up space on here. My e-mail is bageria1 at hotmail.com 
Thank you all so much,
Gwen Bengrech verch Gruffith

"The problem with the world is that everyone

is a few drinks behind."

Humphrey Bogart

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