[Ponte Alto] Coronation Site Clean Up on Sunday

Lisa Mitchell cframwymarc at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 29 20:26:33 PDT 2009

Congratualtions to Vladimir and Kalisa, the newest King and Queen of Atlantia!

Saturday's weather was sunny and hot, with hardly a drop in sight, and that make clean up much easier than mud but there is still much to do.


Starting at 8 a.m. on Sunday we will need with:


- cleaning the kitchen

- cleaning the feast hall

- packing tents

- picking up litter

- taking down the shower

- picking up the list fences

- packing trailers and cars

- unpacking at the storage locker


Please come out to help even if it is for just an hour or two.


Ceridwen ferch Rhys ap Michael





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