[Ponte Alto] Aug 22, Barony of Storvik, Post Pennsic Dessert Revel, now with 100% more lounging

Jude theObscure xgreenjudasx at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 14 06:15:25 PDT 2009

Salaam friends!

Has the Mundane world got you down? Do you long for those not so long ago days of lounging, talking with friends, listening to the clatter of the marketplace and the lilt of soft music? Has your quota of drumming, reclining, and date based sweets drastically dropped in the past week?
Well, have I got an event for you! Cheap at any price, and easy on the eyes, and here to fulfill all your Revel based needs while keeping you away from that pesky pile of Pennsic laundry! The Storvik Post Pennsic Dessert Revel, or One More Night at the Casbah, Aug 22!
Come on by! Wear your newly washed garb, or your not so newly washed garb. We like the smell of Pennsic, we promise. Games, songs, mezza, sweets, camels, stories, Ladies of such beauty and radiance as to put the Moon to shame, music, laughter, and friendship! All these things I promise to you, my friends . . . . with possible exception of the camels. Unlike the Ladies, the camels spit and bite. Well, unlike *most* of the Ladies.

For reservations, please contact Lady Tirzah MacCrudden, Chatelaine at storvik. atlantia. sca.org
Cooks and Bakers are invited to tempt Their Excellencies of Storvik with an entry in the "Best Period Dessert" competition. The theme for this year is the best period dessert using a period source. There will be two categories in this area: Middle Eastern and European. But of course we cannot leave out one last category, the super secret third catagory, desserts with that miraculous ingredient of CHOCOLATE. Take advantage of a $2.00 lower troll fee for each tempting treat (which feeds 6–8 people) presented at Troll. Period dessert competition entries also qualify. Desserts will be served to the populace buffet style after entries are judged. 

Would you like to teach a small class, perform (dance or music), or display your Eastern (Ottoman, Persian, Arab, Northern African, Andalusian) themed A&S project? Please, contact Sayyida Baska, amy.baska at gmail. If the call for teachers goes unanswered I will be forced to bring my accordion to the event and serenade my now captive and uneducated audience with Turkish love songs, on the accordion, on a loop, for 5 hours.  Hurry, hurry, sign up to teach a class today!

All additional questions, please contact the autocrat, Dame Brenna of Storvik, Brennasca at erols. com

My fondest wishes to see you all next weekend!

Yours in Humble Service, 
Sayyida (Lady) Ysoria Baska, known as the Depraved
Please feel free to cheerfully crosspost this event announcement to your local groups.

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