[Ponte Alto] Chalice Report
Katharine Devereaux
katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 15 08:01:23 PDT 2008
Additionally, Lady Emma West received a Coral Branch for her clothing!
Congratulations Emma!
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 09:45:25 -0400
> From: jcfrench at mac.com
> To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: [Ponte Alto] Fwd: Chalice Report
> Unto the Great Barony of Ponte Alto do Baron Jurgen and Baroness Flora
> salute you.
> Saturday's event was a day filled with fun (and heat). Our fearless
> autocrat, Maitresse Belphoebe, appeased Poseidon enough for him to stay away
> until after court so that the mighty Sun God, Helios, could shine upon us.
> The day began with a sad farewell from Their Majesties Sinclair and Kari as
> they prepared to set sail across the ocean.
> A short while later we were given the devastating news that their ship was
> destroyed by vikings and there were no survivors. Atlantia was to have no
> fear as Sir Jason Kinslae stepped up to claim the throne. He then did crown
> Gerhild the Willful as His Queen. Shockingly, Sinclair and Kari were called
> forth from their watery graves to accept their new position as the newest
> Count and Countess of Atlantia.
> And then the competitions commenced! Belphobe will be sending out an e-mail
> with the results of the competitions.
> At King Jason's and Queen Gerhild's first court Ponte Alto again showed
> itself to be a shining jewel in the Kingdom of Atlantia:
> - Brenainn MacShuibne was recognized as a member of the Nobility when he
> received his Award of Arms.
> - Lady Sophia van der Werken was recognized with an AoA.
> - Baron Maximilian von Halstern was inducted into the Order of the Sea
> Stag for his impressive ability to train fighters for the Northern Army.
> - The Order of the Golden Dolphin was short a member until they called
> forth our amazing seneschal, Lady Katherine Devereaux.
> - Lord James de Biblesworth has joined the ranks of those in Ponte Alto
> who are trying to take over the Kingdom by becoming a Court Baron.
> In Ponte Alto court we recognized a changeover in our Baronial Herald from
> Lady Katharina von Bayern to Lady Sian verch Gwilim ap Lewelin, and also our
> Baronail Minister of Arts & Sciences from Lady Renata von Hentzau to
> Baroness Liaden.
> Maitresse Belphobe was called forward to report the results of the Chailce
> competition. When she asked the permission of Baroness Flora if she may be
> seated, permission was denied. Their Majesties then re-opened Royal court
> and had her kneel before His Majesty. It was then that she received the
> King's Award of Excellence for her incredible job of planning a superb
> Coronation with 6 days advance notice! THEN was she allowed to take her seat
> among the populace.
> Baron Max and Lady Kat of Ponte Alto were called forward to receive the
> Onore del Ponte d'Oro for their service in helping the heavy fighters
> prepare for battle and equally important, arranging for them to get to the
> battles!
> After a delicious feast, it was brought to Her Excellency's attention that
> some members of Ponte Alto went above and beyond duty in cleaning up the
> kitchen. Simon, Corrius, Hitome, Cunian and Helga all worked while everyone
> else was feasting - in other words, they did not eat feast! Also, Lady Grace
> wanted me to recognize the Ponte Alto cooks for their fortitude in
> Battlefield Cooking; her thermometer, which was just resting on the
> counter top, registered 100 degrees all day! As a result, Sophia, Alesia, and
> Tirloch, as well also the helpers noted above received Beads of Ponte Alto
> (Alesia and Tirloch will receive theirs later.)
> And an extra-special thanks to Belphoebe for doing such a wonderful job! She
> may try to cry humility by directing praise to her helpers (of which there
> were many), but one does not get help without first gaining the respect of
> the populace, which she did with a wonderful four years of service as our
> Baroness, and then knowing how to delegate. We did not hear one single
> complaint about the running of the event (except the humidity, which Bel
> will work on harder next year) but we had a couple of people search us out to
> tell us how much they enjoyed this event.
> If we have missed anything, please let the list know. Any mistakes and/or
> omissions are due to fatigue and sunburn.
> Ponte Alto is an amazing barony! We are very honored and proud be a
> representative for us to the Kingdom.
> Thank You!
> Flora & Jurgen
> Baroness and Baron of Ponte Alto
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