[Ponte Alto] Fw: The Renaissance Feaste and Faire

elizschr at aol.com elizschr at aol.com
Fri Oct 31 15:38:05 PDT 2008

Maybe.? Let me ask a couple of people and get back to you.


Lady Lisbet/Beth Schreiber

-----Original Message-----
From: Sofia <mcc21998 at verizon.net>
To: Stierbach <moo at stierbach.org>; ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 8:28 am
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Fw: The Renaissance Feaste and Faire



Would anyone be able to help this teacher out with a demo on Dec 5th 7:00 PM?

The school is in Falls Church.



She is particularly looking for someone with stage combat experience to teach the kids after school before the event as well.


If you can help in anyway please let me know ASAP as time is growing short.



Sofia (Chatelaine Barony of Stierbach)


From: littlglas at aol.com 

Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 1:43 PM

To: thechatelaine at stierbach.org 

Subject: The Renaissance Feaste and Faire

Greetings from one you doth not know. . . . 
My name is Patricia Little, and I am hostessing a Renaissance Feaste and Faire here at Luther jackson Middle School on Dec. 5.
I have sought wise counsel from my friend, Lord Crispin of Glenn Linn, and his love, Lady Bridgit Fitzgerals of Glenn Linn, also known as Chris Fitzgerals and Heather Moss, who, both send hearty greetings.

During the Feaste I hope to have the following exhibitions to entertain about 250 guests:
A demo of stage combat, probably depicting a bae ttle as seen in Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, or the like.
A demo of carnival juggling to delight one and all.
Renaissance dancing by a select group of students;
A display of puppetry -but we are not using PUnch and Judy , as I believe it to be too dark for the kids.
Two 10 minute excerpts from two Shakespearean plays.
Lots of singing, and instruments playing.

Lord Crispin believes that you and your associates can give me help, as I have not yet found a juggling 'teacher', nor someone to teach proper stage combat (no, we will not be using swords, unless plastic).
I have called a choreographer but she has not returned my call either.

Can you help?? Would you come and do a demo for us?
Do you have, by chance, authentic musical instruments?

I look forward to your reply.? Thank you.

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