[Ponte Alto] Letter from Lord Brenainn MacShuibne and Lady Kat of Ponte Alto

Gustav von Silberwald gustavvs at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 16 05:39:50 PST 2008

Unto the populace of the Barony of Ponte Alto do Lord
Brenainn MacShuibne and Lady Kat of Ponte Alto send greetings!
As we humbly accept the nomination to the polling for Baron
and Baroness, we wish first of all to thank Baroness Flora and Baron Jurgen for
their past year of service in these offices.  It is by their example that we have learned the
great responsibility which these positions require, and it is they who have
inspired us to seek a more active role in service to our Barony.  To that end, we would like share with you our
beliefs and goals in regards to Ponte Alto and the positions of Baron and
We believe that the true strength of Ponte Alto rests within
the people who call the Barony home.   To
that end, we would seek to support and to honor all the groups that comprise
the populace, whether they be our distinguished fighting units, those who
combine their efforts towards excellence in the Arts and Sciences, those who
continually give of themselves in service to the Barony and to Atlantia, and
the countless others who make Ponte Alto great.
As Baron and Baroness, we would actively recruit new
members.  We would strive to build on
Ponte Alto’s martial capabilities and continue to be a shining beacon of the
Northern Army of Atlantia.  We would seek
to foster a greater sense of community by encouraging our fellows to
participate in the full variety of activities Ponte Alto has to offer.  We seek to accomplish these goals through
personal example and by ensuring that everyone, especially each newcomer, is
aware of the full range of possibilities available to them within the
Society.  As Ponte Alto continues to grow
in number and in achievement, we wish to build on the great legacy of those
Barons and Baronesses that have come before.
While we may not have as much experience within the Barony
as others, this does not diminish our willingness and enthusiasm if called upon
to serve.  We will strive to keep the
barony a fun and dynamic place for those who live here, and for those who
attend our events.  
Thank you for your time and your consideration.
Yours In Service,
Brenainn and Kat

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