[Ponte Alto] Picture from Blackstone Raids

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Sat May 3 23:29:26 PDT 2008

Our work taking down the king was completely a result of our operating  
together as a unit, the increasing prowess that our individual  
fighters have been gaining as a result of their devotion to their  
focus on training and practice, and to our efforts at ensuring we  
emphasize aggressiveness, boldness, and decisiveness of action (where  
others may be more defensive or pensive, we like to do something...).

Consequently, *We* took down the King.  Remember, there is no "me" in  
team or melee.  ;)

I believe that Sian's Shark's Tooth, as was quite eloquently stated by  
the King, was representative of the valor and tenacity that she (along  
with many of our other newcomers) have shown in continuously and  
aggressively taking the field, fighting "outside their weight class"  
and quite literally pushing back the hordes of the midrealm such that  
our smaller force could push them off bridges and punch so very deeply  
into the enemy lines and break their shield wall only to rush back to  
the resurrection and reform to crash once again into the midrealm  

That is the glorious Atlantian melee valor of the shark-like feeding  
frenzy that dives into a fray, keeps tearing into the enemy, and keeps  
coming back for more!  Regardless of one's size, the number of years  
that one has been fighting, or the depth of one's expertise... That is  
what I believe the King was truly honoring.

And such honor was further reiterated when he called the broader unit  
up for specific recognition of our actions on the field directly  

In melee, we fight, kill, and die for the glory of each other and the  
greater glory of our unit on behalf of our Kingdom.  I believe our  
greatest personal honor on the battlefield comes when we enhance the  
prestige of our comrades in arms and our unit overall.

I believe we all did that in spades at Blackstone Raid.  We mutually  
supported each other and our deeds brought honor to our greater  
Baronial alliance (for it was, in fact, Ponte Alto working with  
Stierbach - and we should ne'er forget our partners and allies) and  
the Northern Army in general (for our smaller unit was part of the  
broader Northern Army unit which included the reserve unit which  
backed us up).  In fact, those so inclined might choose to take a  
moment to thank our friends in Stierbach, Storvik, Highland Foorde,  
(and anyone else who might've shown-up to Blackstone Raid) for their  
help in making the Northern Army such a significant factor in the  
Atlantian Army and the Aethelmark force overall.

We have a wond'rous and noble foundation from whence to build -- but  
it is truly only a start.  Everyone has done a great job getting us to  
where we are.  However, we must now *actually* get to work in terms of  
bringing our unit truly to the fore and start to seriously train our  
melee skills alongside the individual skills that have gotten us thus  
far.  Maneuver and Cohesion drills, charge and breakthrough  
techniques, open and closed formation techniques, flanking, spear- 
partnering, buddies and triads... we must learn all the basics of  
melee to really become a force to be reckoned with on the field!   
Atlantia was amazed at the showing of Ponte Alto... let's keep amazing  

Let us take the glory, honor, and pride we have gained and use it as a  
force to drive us forward to ever greater deeds of valor together!

Vivat to our fighters, our Baronies, and our Army!  Let's keep the  
progress moving forward!

In service,

Baron Max Von Halstern
Warlord of Ponte Alto and Tribunus Angusticlavus, Northern Army (of  

On May 3, 2008, at 8:11 PM, cunian at citlink.net wrote:

> Yep. Lady Sian earned her Shark's Tooth by KICKING BUTT and taking
> names for 8 battles in a row.  I think His Majesty Lutr was brought
> down by the whole of Ponte Alto because whatever our individual
> prowess, together we can say, "Look there's a King, let's go 'mess'
> him up.", and then DO IT.
> Cunian
> Quoting "Nicole E. Miller" <schnauzer2 at cox.net>:
>> Ursus took some fabulous shots of the whole event.
>> However, if you look closely on page 22, pic #258, it is clearly
>> Mistress Cunian delivering the fatal blow to His Majesty of
>> Midrealm, with Baron Max spearing him in the side at the same time.
>> Sian
>> ---- Jerri Lyn Mooney <flora.bayeaux at gmail.com> wrote:
>> =============
>> Ursus has some nice pictures from Blackstone Raids on his Smugmug  
>> site.
>> Wherein Ponte Alto helps kill the King of the Midrealm OR How Lady  
>> Sian
>> earned her Shark's
>> Tooth<http://ursus.smugmug.com/gallery/4843436_DQiku#288360784_gQvAJ>
>> There are 512 other wonderful pictures to see there.
>> Baroness Flora
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