[Ponte Alto] Picnic in the Park - FREE FOOD!

Jerri Lyn Mooney flora.bayeaux at gmail.com
Thu May 1 18:27:37 PDT 2008

In celebration of the Sunday Gathering being moved outside to Tysons-Pimmit
Park, we are having a potluck picnic immediately following practice.

We'll start setting out the food around 4:00. The Baron & Baroness will
bring a table to put the food on and a water cooler. Please bring enough
food/drink to feed at least 6 people. Stopping at KFC/Dominos/grocery store
is perfectly ok!

I called the park authority and asked if we are allowed to bring our own
hibachis and they didn't know the answer, so I'm taking that as a yes.
Therefore, we will be bringing a teeny grill to finish up our Glazed Corned
Beef Sandwiches. (yum)

It is simplest if everyone brings their own feast gear as well, so as not to
have to deal with excessive trash (and storage of paper plates!)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Baroness Flora
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