[Ponte Alto] RSVPs for Mundane Social at Sir Grethferth's?

guylestran at aol.com guylestran at aol.com
Tue Mar 11 04:07:37 PDT 2008

I will come.

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Nelson <maxntropy at att.net>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:53 pm
Subject: RSVPs for Mundane Social at Sir Grethferth's?


Please let me know if you may show-up (hopefully) for the Mundane 
Social at Sir Grethferth's  (details below) but have not yet RSVPd.



On Mar 7, 2008, at 12:21 AM, Max Nelson wrote:

In an ongoing effort to increase the jocularity, interaction, 
festivity, enjoyment, and just plain time spent amongst interesting and 
fun people who enjoy many of the same things; we are trying to develop 
a regular series of "Mundane Socials" (i.e., we are going as our 
mundane selves and *not* focusing on SCA stuff) -- in which we get 
together simply as friends to spend time together, eat and drink, 
regale each other with inanities or deep philosophical insights or 
personal histories, perhaps watch some bad (or good) movies, and 
otherwise simply get to know each other and enjoy each others' company. 
 Please note that we are inviting *all* people of all shapes, sizes, 
colors, interests, motivations, groups, etc...  This is an inclusive 
invitation and we are hoping any and all will choose to attend to 
enrich the evening.

Sir Grethferth has generously offered to host the first such Mundane 
Social at his home on the Friday night before Bloodbath (3/14) -- so we 
can have an absolutely fun-filled weekend starting off with the Mundane 
Social on Friday Night, followed by Bloodbath on Saturday, and 
ending-up with the Sunday afternoon Social and War Practice from Noon 
onwards.  Sir Eldrid, Baron Jurgen, and others have offered to host 
subsequent Mundane Socials, and we will announce them in due course.

Sir Grethferth (aka Scott Rakow) has offered to make some chili and 
salsa available for us, and the grill is available for cooking -- which 
means it's bring your own chips, dips, drinks, and grilling goods 
(meats, vegetables, or whatever else you consider edible and 
grillable).  Obviously you can bring stuff just for yourself, but if 
you bring stuff to share, it'll be more fun all around as others will 
share their stuff with you (trust me, it works better).

The Mundane Social will commence at 7pm on Friday the 14th (until 
Grethferth and his lovely lady Wife kick us out), and he is located at 
12795 Thancker Hill Court in Herndon, VA  20171.    You can find the 
map located 
here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&t=h&msa=0

So they know what to expect, please RSVP to me if you have some 
intention of going (a rough headcount would be nice to provide).

We're looking forward to seeing and socializing with you all!!


Max Nelson (Mundanely, of course)

Baron Maximilian Von Halstern

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