[Ponte Alto] RSVPs for Mundane Social at Sir Grethferth's?

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Mon Mar 10 19:53:07 PDT 2008


Please let me know if you may show-up (hopefully) for the Mundane  
Social at Sir Grethferth's  (details below) but have not yet RSVPd.



On Mar 7, 2008, at 12:21 AM, Max Nelson wrote:

> In an ongoing effort to increase the jocularity, interaction,  
> festivity, enjoyment, and just plain time spent amongst interesting  
> and fun people who enjoy many of the same things; we are trying to  
> develop a regular series of "Mundane Socials" (i.e., we are going as  
> our mundane selves and *not* focusing on SCA stuff) -- in which we  
> get together simply as friends to spend time together, eat and  
> drink, regale each other with inanities or deep philosophical  
> insights or personal histories, perhaps watch some bad (or good)  
> movies, and otherwise simply get to know each other and enjoy each  
> others' company.  Please note that we are inviting *all* people of  
> all shapes, sizes, colors, interests, motivations, groups, etc...   
> This is an inclusive invitation and we are hoping any and all will  
> choose to attend to enrich the evening.
> Sir Grethferth has generously offered to host the first such Mundane  
> Social at his home on the Friday night before Bloodbath (3/14) -- so  
> we can have an absolutely fun-filled weekend starting off with the  
> Mundane Social on Friday Night, followed by Bloodbath on Saturday,  
> and ending-up with the Sunday afternoon Social and War Practice from  
> Noon onwards.  Sir Eldrid, Baron Jurgen, and others have offered to  
> host subsequent Mundane Socials, and we will announce them in due  
> course.
> Sir Grethferth (aka Scott Rakow) has offered to make some chili and  
> salsa available for us, and the grill is available for cooking --  
> which means it's bring your own chips, dips, drinks, and grilling  
> goods (meats, vegetables, or whatever else you consider edible and  
> grillable).  Obviously you can bring stuff just for yourself, but if  
> you bring stuff to share, it'll be more fun all around as others  
> will share their stuff with you (trust me, it works better).
> The Mundane Social will commence at 7pm on Friday the 14th (until  
> Grethferth and his lovely lady Wife kick us out), and he is located  
> at 12795 Thancker Hill Court in Herndon, VA  20171.    You can find  
> the map located here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&t=h&msa=0&msid=113469030601034864019.000447d0d9d08a064a730
> So they know what to expect, please RSVP to me if you have some  
> intention of going (a rough headcount would be nice to provide).
> We're looking forward to seeing and socializing with you all!!
> Sincerely,
> Max Nelson (Mundanely, of course)
> Baron Maximilian Von Halstern
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