[Ponte Alto] Minutes from first Crown Committee meeting

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Tue Mar 18 17:44:07 PDT 2008

Greetings fellow Pontoons!

In the interests of keeping the populace fully apprised of the effort to
obtain new coronets for the Baronial Regalia, please find following the
minutes from our first meeting, held this past Sunday.  Wulfwyn, please feel
free to add these to Il Tempo as well.  Many many thanks to Rhiannon who
patiently acted as secretary at the meeting.

If anyone has questions about how things are going and what we are doing,
please do not hesitate to contact me.  Remember, this is not a closed
committee -- any Baronial member who wants to participate in our meetings is

Luce Antony Venus


In attendance were Liz Georges Emrich, Laura Martinez, Jerri Lyn Mooney,
Nicole Miller and Kerri Smith.

Upon reviewing the old bridge coronets.
.	They are 16 years old
.	Made out of oxidized steel or brass 
.	Very fragile 
.	Poorly constructed 
.	Beyond repair

The current coronets.
.	8 years old  
.	Only adjustable down, not up
.	The weight of the coronet 
.	Pearls are not set firmly in place

What would like to be seen in the new coronets?
.	Distinguishable
.	Sturdiness
.	Attractiveness
.	Adjustable
.	Lightweight
.	Identifiably Ponte Alto
.	Cleanability
.	Head Shape Hinge Would Be A Plus
.	Brass Would Be Best As It Is Easy To Clean And Does Not Flake

Baroness Flora really likes the old bridge coronets and segmented
crowns-13th century-but a one piece coronet is more appropriate to a greater
number of time periods than the segmented or plaque coronets. The
possibility of a segmented coronet was not necessarily discarded, but does
need to be sturdy.

In moving forward, the committee needs to get requests for bid proposals

.	The committee will submit a draft of the RFP to the populace for
comment and will be voted on at the Baronial Business meeting.
.	Designers are submitting a bid that will include sketches,
construction and pricing information.
.	The populace of Ponte Alto will be able to see sketches, but NOT
full bid proposals, in order to protect bidders' proprietary business
.	The committee will consider all bids. The likelihood is that we
won't get more than three.
.	The committee will select the best overall bid considering design,
construction, contract terms and cost and will present it to the Barony for
.	The committee wants a designer designing to their strengths design
wise; designer will submit their sketches for the committee to make the
final decision on. 
.	The committee will keep everyone apprised of how the process is
coming along and will be voting on the one that is the best.
.	Laura and Nicole will be gathering the names and contact information
for the craftsmen we want to send bid requests to.


.	We will seek approval of this proposed process from Baronial
Exchequer and Seneschal.
.	Liz needs to prepare the bid document to give to the committee to
review and contact the persons in regards to bid proposals.

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