[Ponte Alto] Vivat to the Greater Baronial Logistics Corps!!!

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Sun Mar 16 19:17:23 PDT 2008

On behalf of myself, the War Council, and all the fighters at both  
Bloodbath and the War Practice, I wish to confer an extremely  
heartfelt "Thank You!" to the newly-constituted Logistics Corps of the  
Greater Baronial Ponte-Alto/Stierbach units, who did such a great job  
providing shelter, hydration, medication, etc... to the fighters and  
allies of the Baronial Unit, the Northern Army, and our friends and  
guests for both events!

Mistress Sofia Mikhailovna Wolfsguard, who has volunteered to be our  
new Copiis Militaribus (Logistics Lead), Lady Wulfwyn, Kat, and a  
number of others worked wond'rously and tirelessly with those  
volunteered and who also helped out mightily out Bloodbath (e.g., Lady  
Anne, Evil Dan, etc...).  The service of you all was inspirational and  
sorely needed and invaluable.

In fact... Duke Badouin, Legatus Legionis (Warlord) of the Northern  
Army mentioned prior to the arrival of most folks this Morning how  
nice it might be for the Northern Army to have something like a  
Logistics Corps.  "Logistics Corps?" I repeated, innocently.  "Funny  
you should mention it..."  At which point Mistress Sofia, Lady Wulfwyn  
et al began showing up and setting up and showing his Grace some well- 
managed Logistics in-action.

Consequently, we'd like to continue our great success by making  
certain that the Copiis Militaribus component of our unit (and make no  
mistake, our support Corps is *most* certainly a part of the unit!) is  
sufficiently staffed so we can maintain our capability and the  
momentum we've begun; and perhaps build on our success as a  
demonstration for the greater good of the Northern Army (of  
Darkness).  The capabilities we demonstrate and build with our Copiis  
Corps are likely to form the basis for the office of the Rationibus  
Militaribus of the entire Northern Army.

So if anybody would like to further support the activity of our units  
by joining the staff of the Copiis Militaribus to make sure our units  
are working at peak efficiency, please let me know, as I'm sure  
Mistress Sofia, Lady Wulfwyn, Lady Anne and all the others involved in  
the planning and staffing could use any and all help possible.

On a related note, the War Council is also looking for an organized,  
energetic, and willing volunteer to serve as our Beneficiarius  
Militaribus (Expeditionary Lead) who will help coordinate and organize  
event-related travel and transportation requirements to make sure  
everyone in the Greater Baronial War Band who wants to get to our  
selected list of targeted events can get to them if they want, that we  
have coordinated accommodations and off-board arrangements, etc.. (in  
other words, that we travel in a semi-organized manner like we've  
kind've got our acts together).  Again, if we can demonstrate a proven  
capability in managing this type of logistical activity, Duke Badouin  
is likely to view it as a demonstration basis leading to the  
development of a Cornicularus Militaribus office at the Army level.   
We need help, and we're looking for someone to help the Unit and our  
fighters so we may better help the Kingdom.  Please let me know if you  
may have some interest.

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