[Ponte Alto] Crown committee

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Mon Mar 10 17:46:14 PDT 2008

Greetings Pontoons!

We are currently looking into adding a new set of Baronial Coronets to the
Baronial Regalia.  As the person heading the committee to commission those
coronets I am looking for committee members, so let me know if you want to

We will be having an informal discussion/meeting at the Baronial Sunday
Social/Indoor Fighter practice this weekend, SUNDAY, MARCH 16 at 2:00 p.m.
at Lemon Road Elementary.  

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss what the criteria should be for
creating a bid request for the crowns. What are the weaknesses in our
current coronet designs?  What are the design elements we want to see
included?  Who should the bidding process be open to? Etc. Etc.

I'd like to hear from as many folks as are interested, whether they want to
be on the committee or not, so that we can discuss everything and think
about what belongs in the bid request and what doesn't.  Hopefully we can
hash out a lot of these issues up front and hear people's opinions and
wishes and discuss everything so that when we have to have votes on things
like the bid proposals and contracts we won't have to completely derail the
monthly Business Meeting.  We'll probably have to do this more than once,
and I will use both this list and the Baronial Newsletter to make sure folks
see the conclusions drawn from our discussion and are fully updated on the
progress of the project.

I look forward to seeing everyone who's interested on Sunday.

Luce Antony Venus

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