[Ponte Alto] Pot luck on Sunday

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Tue Jun 24 07:29:45 PDT 2008

Apparently his Excellency in his wond'rous fervor for our Barony and  
it's Sunday Socials has forgotten that there is a Northern Army War  
Practice being hosted by our incredible friends and allies in  
Stierbach this Sunday following the Stierbach Baronial Birthday.

We urge any and all who are able to attend the War Practice to support  
the Army and Stierbach and fight, provide support for fighters,  
waterbear, cheer, shoot combat archery, help our friends in Stierbach,  
etc...  It is vitally important that we take the lessons from  
Assessment forward and train and practice them for the Northern Army  
so that we may provide the best force for their Majesties at Pennsic.   
Even if you cannot don armour and fight, you can learn the lessons of  
melee and learn the strategies and tactics that we will be training  
for Pennsic.

While it is possible there will be a few at Tysons-Pimmit park to  
fight or train, we stridently request that all fighters who can  
possibly make the War Practice do so.

In Service,

Baron Max Von Halstern
Warlord of Ponte Alto

On Jun 23, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Jeffrey C French wrote:

> A little while back, we had a Pot Luck with the Sunday Social. It  
> was a lot of fun for everyone. With the start of summer, both  
> Thursday Night & Sunday Afternoon practices are at Tyson-Pimmit  
> Park. A bunch of us went to Kingdom Assessment, and we all learned a  
> lot. If you come by on Sunday, you can chat with folks and learn  
> more about what happened. Also, rumor is that someone might bring a  
> wall to fight over.  Practice is practice, so practice. I hope to  
> see you there, so we can refine our skills as the road to Pennsic  
> War XXXVII continues.
> Vivat Ponte Alto,
> -Jurgen
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