[Ponte Alto] Northern War Muster, June 29, 2008 - Noon

guylestran at aol.com guylestran at aol.com
Mon Jun 23 09:01:39 PDT 2008

Your Exellency, thank you for helping to get the word out.

I would add that anyone should direct any questions about the Northern 
Muster to the following Northern Army Command Structure: The Warlord, 
the Four Horsemen or your Baronial/Household/Mercenary Warbands 
Commanders.  It would be perfect if word has been flowing down through 
your Baronies and Houses, however if you are not hearing anything 
please feel free to ask around or send emails asking what is up.  If 
you have a Warband and don't see it listed before, please contact me 
and we will insert it into our Command Structure.

Here is who is who for the Northern Army, I will follow up with another 
email that has individual Commanders.

his Grace, Badouin, Northern Army Commander

The Four Horsemen

Sir Tascius, Tribunus Angusticlavus: Northern Military Cluster
Highland Foorde
Bright Hills
House Wulfshaven,
Sir Tascius is also our Mercenary Liaison

Sir Theron,Tribunus Angusticlavus: Central Military Cluster
Dun Carraig,
Spiaggia Levantina
House Blackspear

Baron Max, Tribunus Angusticlavus Southern Military Cluster
Ponte Alto,
Roxbury Mil

Lord Gregor von Leipzig, Combat Archers

Baron Max will be writting up notes from this past weekend to send out, 
however I would ask anyone who attended Assessments to go over it at 
your weekly practice.  Even if you are a shieldmen and this is your 
first Pennsic, if you are the only one who attended for your group, 
take back whatever you remember at least talk about it.

If you are a Baronial Coronet, Seneschal, War Commander or just would 
like to know what is going on please join our yahoo group at 
GOPCom at yahoogroups.com, we have several iniatives going on that we can 
always use help with and we want to make sure information gets out.

Thanks and we hope to both hear from you and see you.

Sir Guy, Northern Army XO.

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>; 
atlantia at atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:02 am
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Northern War Muster, June 29, 2008 - Noon

Greetings All,

The Warlord for the North has requested that his fighters muster on 
June 29, 2008 to train, practice, and fight, in an effort to gauge the 
ability of his fighters heading off to War. If you are going to fight 
with Atlantia this year, not only at Pennsic, you need to make this 
practice to learn how Atlantia is training and fielding her troops. The 
information you gain from this practice will hold you in good stead, 
not only for Pennsic, but for other melee engagements in the future. If 
you can't make Pennsic at least make this practice so that you can 
support your Kingdom as we advance the Northern Regional army.

The site is Prince William County Fairgrounds, 10624 Dumfries Road, 
VA 20112. This is the same site as our Holiday Faire and is a dry site. 
Bring Plenty of water and sunscreen and be prepared to work. :) Start 
time noon. Be there a little before time to get your self armored up. I 
look forward to seeing you all there and hope everyone can make it.


Baronne Marie-Therese Normand
Commander, Wildcards
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Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org

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