[Ponte Alto] 11am Sunday Northern Army War Muster at the site of Stierbach Baronial Birthday

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Fri Jun 27 22:26:05 PDT 2008

This is a reminder that there will be a Northern Army War Muster/ 
Practice at the site of the Stierbach Baronial Birthday event thus  
Sunday (June 27th) beginning at 11am.

The site is Prince William County Fairgrounds at 10624 Dumfries Road  
in Manassas, VA.

Please be considerate to the staff that will be on site tearing down.   
Stierbach will be cleaning the site on Sunday and we ask that you  
PLEASE police your areas after the practice.

Please feel free to bring personal day shades, or leave them up from  
the day before, as we will not have access to the buildings on  
Sunday.  The bath house will be available with flush toilets and  

A lunch is being planned for the afternoon; donations will be accepted  
to off set the cost.   There will be access to water for fill  
containers and such but there will be no official water bearing  
service as this is a practice.  PLEASE drink, wear sunscreen and look  
out for one another.

We hope that all those in the Logistics Corps will be willing and able  
to support the muster with shade, water, gatorade, etc..

We also hope that everyone who can possibly make it will do so in  
order for us to practice the drills we have been working at previous  
War Musters and the techniques and tactics we trained at Assessments  
(die-forward, hold-forward, limited front counter-charge, limited  
front knee-drop, lay-on-means-charge, integrated spears, spear  
partnering, reform-on-the-fly, etc...).

Pennsic is nigh upon us.  It is critical that we train as often as  
possible so that we might best bring forth the might of Atlantia.  We  
look forward to fighting beside you all and to working towards greater  

Please pass forward this reminder to all those gentles and lists where  
you think it appropriate.

In service,

Baron Max Von Halstern

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