[Ponte Alto] Whimsy Competition at Storvik Baronial Birthday in October

Orla Carey orla at lady.sca.org
Thu Jun 19 10:58:16 PDT 2008

A special display/competition will be held this October (17-19) at Storvik
baronial birthday, with the theme of "whimsies." We are hoping to see your
most unusual, delightful, and fun period projects. (i.e. dolls, subtleties,
toys, fans, etc.) Anything you have come across in your research, and had to
make for the sheer joy, uniqueness, and unbelievable authenticity of it.
Documentation is required so that we can fully appreciate your object, but
we are not going to bite if it's not super polished. There will be several
prizes awarded at judge's discretion based on unusualness, authenticity,
workmanship, and "wow cool!"  Baroness Catherine Grace Fitzlewis is
sponsoring this competition, so questions should be directed to her at (202)
561-4888. (please no calls after 9:00 p.m.)

Barony of Storvik
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