[Ponte Alto] FW: I am writing to you in your position as deputy senechal

Tirloch gmt53 at ravenstreet.org
Wed Jun 18 14:47:52 PDT 2008

Fellow pontoons!


Anyone know of potential crash space that is available in the DC area?





From: L Dinsmore [mailto:thlilluminada at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:23 PM
To: GMT53 at ravenstreet.org
Subject: I am writing to you in your position as deputy senechal


I know that senechals are always busy, while their deputies, often are
looking for something to do, else why would they be deputy... lol 


I am THL Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy, Silver Trumpet Herald,
here in fair Caid..  mka Lorene Dinsmore, and she is the one with the
problem... lol 


Ok, down to serious stuff.  I am going to Washington DC for the National
Education Association Representative Assembly (Ntnl teacher's union annual
meeting) and staying at the Renaissance Washinton, DC from June 27 through
July 7.  After spending a couple weeks touristing it, crashing at friends'
house in DC area, I plan to attend Pennsic. -  I had made arrangements to
stay with friends near DC, but they just informed me that due to some
problems which have arisen at their end, I don't have a place to crash.  Can
you see the desperation beads of perspiration on my forehead (either
personna - still sweating it).  I was hoping that you might be able to
assist me in finding crash space.. even for a few days, as hoteling it for
two weeks in the big city had not figured into my budget, and several other
things have escalated in price... Please feel to contact me by phone
951-492-1408 or pass my e-mail along to others you think might be able to
help me. 


Thanking you in advance for your kind assistance, I remain su serviente, 

THL Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy, 

SIlver Trumpet

mka Lorene Dinsmore 



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