[Ponte Alto] Update on Sir Michael Saint-Sever

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Mon Jun 16 20:11:21 PDT 2008

The outlook at the beginning of the day was that Michael would  
probably get off the ventilator tomorrow, but that if the day went  
well they'd try today.  The good news:  everything was looking good so  
they made the attempt.  The less good news:  everyone got the memo  
except Michael.

Basically, unconscious-Michael proved less than fully cooperative as  
did the variability of his blood pressure--two closely related  
values.  At various points, apparently looking put upon and generally  
annoyed, he attempted to chew and swallow the ventilator tube despite  
a mouthguard (something of a heroic acheivement) and to remove a  
number of other medical connections... fortunately unsuccessfully in  
all instances, in one case thanks to Allison's quick hands.

On the plus side, he was more aware of his surroundings than he's been  
since he got to the ICU and has unsurprisingly been demonstrating a  
great deal of vim and vigor for someone who had serious surgery just  
six days ago.  Many of you will not be surprised to learn that Michael  
can probably kick most people's butts while semi-conscious and highly  
lubricated with a wond'rous cocktail of meds designed to keep normals  
pliant.  Barbara believes there's probably a lesson here the specops  
community needs to pick up on.

They're going to try to de-veintilatorize him again tomorrow.   
Indications are strong that tomorrow will indeed be the day.

Barbara is very glad that the staff in Florida are excellent and are  
clearly pulling for Michael's quick recovery and they are all  
extremely grateful for everyone's prayers and thoughts.

Max Von Halstern

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