[Ponte Alto] for anyone planning to attend Ponte Alto rapier practice tonight

interfacemasque at thanate.com interfacemasque at thanate.com
Thu Jun 5 12:50:01 PDT 2008

FYI for anyone planning on attending Ponte Alto rapier practice tonight:

At least as of noon today, there was a tree down blocking Shreve Road  
between Rt 29 and the elementary school, and no official notice being  
taken besides that someone had come along and put up traffic cones to  
replace the caution tape from last night.  There is a badly-marked  
detour (someone stapled up sheets of copy paper marked in single line  
sharpie, which is difficult to read from the road) down Hillsman  
Street through the Holly Manor subdivision, but if it's at all  
convenient, I would recommend coming from the Rt 7 end of Shreve.

End announcement, you may now return to your regularly scheduled  
day.  :)


Kade made her strategy on the run, which was poor planning in a chess  
game but in real life tended to make opponents waste time bumbling  
around wondering what in hell she was thinking.  --fr. Martha Wells,  
The Element of Fire

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