[Ponte Alto] GMU and Blood Bath....Sir Guy is Sorry.

Nicole E. Miller schnauzer2 at cox.net
Mon Feb 25 10:48:28 PST 2008

Sir Guy and the rest of the Barony,

The impromper  and un trimmed reply was my error.  I was so busy fighting with my email program that I did not proprly trim my post to the populace.  Sir Guy did indeed retract his comments made under the influence of no coffee and calm had returned to the conversation.  I promise to be more careful in the futrue.

---- guylestran at aol.com wrote: 


I would like to apologize for some of my wording that was forwarded in 
this stream, it was meant for private viewing for a select group, I 
retracted my words after my 2nd or 3rd cup of morning coffee and a diet 
mountain dew, in another email that didn't make it here.  I was just 
venting a bit and would like to say I am sorry for my words making it 
to this public forum.

Please feel free to send me private emails beating me up, or if you 
feel it needs to be public, so be it.

I would rather we focused on helping Sian do a demo at GMU

I remain a sheepish and embarrassed

Sir Guy

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

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