[Ponte Alto] Things going on this weekend...

Jeffrey C French jcfrench at mac.com
Wed Dec 10 07:41:43 PST 2008

Saturday, Ponte Alto is hosting Winter's Welcome Revel. This is going to be a lot of fun, with a Chess Tourney sponsored by Marcellus, an excellent feast by Alesia la Sabia de Murcia, and Dancing!!!

After the Revel, I'm inviting everyone over to my place to have a post revel revel. As it's a dry site, and I brewed a case and a half of beer, I desperately need help drinking beer. I'm busy cleaning the house all week, and I'll offer up German drinking games for those who come.

Sunday, we have Ponte Alto's classic fighter practice. The Schollum will be teaching class, the fighters will be fighting.

Also Sunday, we have the last business meeting of 2008! To celebrate, I'm asking everyone to bring a pot luck dish, and an SCA style white elephant gift (please, nothing of greater value than $10). After the meeting, we'll socialize and do a gift swap!

Also, tonight, I'm hosting my regular monthly weaving night. If you need direction, drop me a note.
Hope to see those of you who can make it!



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