[Ponte Alto] Winter's Welcome Revel needs volunteers (and staff schedule)

Lady Millicent Chandler millicent.chandler at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 07:56:26 PST 2008

Greetings Ponte Alto,

Many people volunteered for staff positions at the last business
meeting (THANK YOU ALL!), but we're still short a few positions. We
need at least four more people to volunteer for kitchen clean-up after
feast. Our cook staff will be slaving away in the kitchen to provide
us with a wondrous meal; it is only fitting that we repay their
kindness and talent with our sweat and elbow grease. Please contact me
off-list about assisting with clean-up so that this necessary part of
the event can be completed speedily.

To those who volunteered for site set-up, the site opens to us at 9am.
Site opens to the general populace at 10am.

To those who volunteered for site clean-up, the site closes to the
general populace at 6pm but remains open for clean-up until 7pm.

Thank you all for helping me in my first autocrat experience and for
serving Ponte Alto so well!


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