[Ponte Alto] Roll Call: Chalice of the Sun God V

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 18 12:32:59 PDT 2008

Greetings Fellow Pontoons!

As you know, on September 12-14 our Barony will be hosting Chalice of the Sun God V:  Persephone's Story.

Chalice is one of our biggest events of the year, and it is a lot of fun.  So at this point you may be asking yourself, how can I help to make Chalice a great event and show everyone Ponte Alto hospitality as only Ponte Alto can?  

Well, do we have an answer for you!  There are many volunteering opportunities we will be delighted to have you!

1.  Set up:  Setup will take place Friday afternoon.  It mainly consists on setting up the list fences, decoration of the hall, etc.  We will be providing a light fare for those brave souls who come and help us, so what are you waiting for!  Sign up!

2.  Clean-up and take down Saturday:  If you cannot take Friday afternoon off and help with setup, do not worry!  We will still need folks for clean up and take down Saturday after feast.  Many hands make a job easy, so we are hoping that you will help us out with this.

3.  Clean up on Sunday:  Not staying for feast?  Not being able to help out on Saturday?  No problem!  We will still need a couple of people early Sunday morning to clean up whatever is left, as well as check that the cabins are clean and that everything is in order, as we have to deliver the site to the Park Authorities by 11 a.m.  Let us know if you can help!

3.  Troll help:  This entails doing a shift at troll, checking people in.  Celia of Rosedale is our head troll.  If you are interested on doing a shift, please contact her at celia at ravenstreet.org.

4.  Servers at feast:  Our head server is Marie-Therese de Normand.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact her at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com.

So please take a look at the list, and drop me a line if you think you can help!

Many cheers,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Autocrat

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