[Ponte Alto] Blackstone Raid

Jerri Lyn Mooney flora.bayeaux at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 10:58:49 PDT 2008


To make sure I'm clear before I send in our reservations, Ponte Alto is
planning to eat at a restaurant *instead* of partaking of the feast. Is that

Baroness Flora

2008/4/2 KM <dreadpiratekat at gmail.com>:

> Greetings!
> As I'm sure many of you already know, the date for Blackstone Raid is fast
> approaching.  Max has asked me to help coordinate transportation, hotel,
> and meals, so that as many people as possible can attend.
> We are planning on sharing a meal together on Saturday evening, either in
> or near Ripley.  I'll send out that information closer to the event date.
> If anyone is familiar with the town and has a restaurant recommendation,
> please speak up!
> Kat.
> Expeditionary Corps (Beneficiarius Militaribus)
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