[Ponte Alto] Pennsic XXXVII

Jeffrey C French jcfrench at mac.com
Sat Apr 5 08:04:19 PDT 2008

Unto the good populace of Ponte Alto,
    Pennsic Registration is open. The Barony of Ponte Alto welcomes all to join The Baron & Baroness of Ponte Alto in our encampment. There is a 75 sqft giveback, as well as a nominal camp fee to cover wood, water, and other camp supplies. If you are planning on camping with the Barony, you?ll need to do the following things:
1)	Register for Pennsic at http://www.cooperslake.com/prereg37.php
    a.	Be sure to reserve with our group ?Barony of Ponte Alto?. No other spelling will do.
2)	Register with the Barony of Ponte Alto at http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/pennsic/index.php
    a.	We?ll need your tent size (for planning purposes)
    b.	We also need your ?PENN? reservation number
    c.  Please send me an email with your contact information as well, so Sian & I work on coordinating a rental truck.

If you are staying at a hotel, please register with the Barony, we can really use the space.

For those of you camping with the Barony this year, we look forward to spending Pennsic with you,

It's 111 days until Pennsic 37, but Preregistration closes on June15th. Register early, and often

-Jurgen, Baronial Land Agent of Ponte Alto

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