[Ponte Alto] Mini-Tourney of Honorable Elevation
David Conlon
eldrid at viscounteldrid.com
Fri Apr 4 07:09:04 PDT 2008
Mini-Tournament of Honorable Elevation
On: April 15th 2008
Please arrive at 6:30pm to check-in at 7:00pm. The Tournament will begin promptly at 7:30pm
Stierbach Fighter Practice in Manassas
On behalf of the newly invested Barons and Baronesses of Ponte Alto and Stierbach, we would like to invite all in our two great lands to join us in the first of a continuing series of practice Mini-Tournaments (both Armored and Rapier) to be held jointly.
To Honor the Elevation of:
friendship and alliance between the Baronies
our Barons and Baronesses
the prowess of our Baronial fighters
our respect for chivalry, courtesy, and pageantry
Whilst we will be fighting in a Tournament format with full pageantry, and whilst prizes will be available, the Mini-Tournament of Honorable Elevation is simply a practice, and as such does not require participants to be authorized. All new fighters and youth fighters are encouraged to participate. We are practicing our martial arts within the format of the Tournament, and we hope all -- both authorized and unauthorized -- will participate to elevate their skill.
Those willing might volunteer; Lord Alexandre, the Knight Marshal of Stierbach, would be glad for any and all assistance Marshaling the Mini-Tournament (MOLs and Marshals in Training are welcome to volunteer).
The wearing of garb is encouraged but not at all required.
The first tournament will be held April 15th 2008 at the New Stierbach Fighter Practice in Manassas, Map
Prizes will be given to the winner, to the most Chivalrous and Honorable fighter chosen by the Baronesses or their representatives; and to the most improved fighter chosen by the Barons or their representatives.
The Tournament
The tournament shall be in the style of a double elimination standard tree. Each fighter shall have two lives. Out of respect for the fencing school, each fight will end with first blood. That is all good blows will result in death, eliminating the need to fight from the knees and protecting the floors.
The field will require one Herald and at least one (preferably two Marshalls.) The Herald shall announce the fighters names before each fight and request he/she salute their Baron/Baroness their consort and their opponent before they engage.. After the herald is finished, the marshal shall call the “Lay On!”. After the conclusion of the fight the fighters will report to the MOL and inform the MOL of the winner.
First Round Selection
The fighter’s names shall be put into a hat, they will then form a single line facing the Barons and Baroness. Each Baroness will pick a name taking alternating turns. The name will be read and the fighter will approach to show respect to the Baroness. Then the fighter will select an opponent. They will bow then submit themselves to the MOL to be recorded. This will continue until all the fighters have been paired. (if a name is drawn of a fighter who is already paired that name will be put aside). A non-destructive Bi-Fighter will be provided in the event of an odd number of combatants.
Subsequent rounds:
As the fighters report to the MOL the MOL shall pair the fighters in the order that they report, pairing the winner of the first fight with the winner of the second fight, the looser of the first fight with the looser of the second fight. This pattern will continue until all fighters are paired up. Fighters whom have lost two fights shall be eliminated from the list. No fighter pairing should be repeated unless it can not be avoided in the latter rounds. If a non destructive bi fight is required a bi Fighter will be provided. No fighter shall be granted more than one bi fight. Fighters will fight in the order they were selected. Continue this process until only 2 or 3 fighters are left in the Tournament.
Final Rounds
(Last pair of fighters or last 3 fighters)
All fighters’ losses shall be cleared and the final round shall be fought as a round robin, If necessary randomly determine first pair of fighters. First fighter to defeat all opponents in the final round two times shall be declared the winner.
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