[Ponte Alto] Alle Psallite

Barbara barb at ravenstreet.org
Tue Sep 11 19:13:04 PDT 2007

The vocal music group of the greater Ponte-Bach area is starting up our
practices again.  


Our group is called Alle Psallite (pronounced AH-lee SAH-lee-tay), after a
piece of music we sing.  We sing three- to four- (and occasionally more!)
part Renaissance and medieval choral music.  And we have a lot of fun doing
it, too.  We try to keep a balance of working hard enough to sound good when
performing without taking ourselves so seriously that we don't have fun.


We practice in my home (Herndon-Chantilly area) every Monday night, 7:30 -
9.  I post the music on my web site, where you can print your own copies and
listen to midi files of your part.  We welcome ALL voices to join us.  If
you don't have a lot of singing experience, you are still welcome, because
we can get you experience. Just be willing to try.  Men are especially
welcome because we always need basses.  If you are interested, please just
contact me privately at barb at ravenstreet.org 


I've gotten this message out a little late, as we already had our first
rehearsal of the season.  But this is good news because if you were
wondering what we sing, you'll have opportunity to find out this weekend.
Thanks to the gracious permission of His Excellency, Baron Marcellus, we'll
be giving a short performance immediately before court at The Chalice of the
Sun God on Saturday.  Come hear us, and feel free to ask me any questions
about our music!


Best wishes,

Mistress Anne of Carthew

p.s., perhaps someone would forward this to the Stierbach list for me?  At
this point, we're almost as much a Stierbach activity as we are a Ponte Alto
activity.  We don't care where you live, if you want to sing with us!


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