[Ponte Alto] Are We a Grand Army?

David Conlon dconlon at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 5 08:05:05 PDT 2007

Sir Guy,
  I lend my sword, shield, bone and muscle to your grand cause.  I look forward to standing beside you in the battle tomarrow.  Being displaced from my kinsmen and country I welcome the chance to proove my metal in battle with your troops.
  Knight Errant, Viscount Sir Eldrid Wolfsguard.
guylestran at aol.com wrote:
      We will see tomorrow.

The Northern Army has the reputation of not being there when it is needed at Crusades.

Much of the blame on numbers in years past has been laid at our feet.

I look forward to seeing this change with our numbers we bring to the King this year.

If you don't have a unit to fight with come stand beside me,  I will be with Ponte Alto.

Sir Guy

  Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

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