[Ponte Alto] Autocrat/Event Steward Database/Information

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 24 07:16:52 PDT 2007


I just put in info about the Loudoun County
Fairgrounds, and noticed that there wasn't a lot of
other information in the database yet. 

This is really easy to use, and I wanted to encourage
others to fill in info, especially if you have
autocratted an event before.



--- Katharine Devereaux <katdevereaux at hotmail.com>

> As a reminder, we have a centralized location for
> the members of this barony to use as a discussion
> board for events. This would include:
>     1) new ideas for events
>     2) things to change about our current events
>     3) a place to put your name if you are
> interested in trying something new at the next event
>               a) trying your hand at heraldry or 
>               b) issuing a new event challenge to
> other archers or artisans and finding out ways to go
> about doing so
>     4) let's discuss marketing ideas for our
> upcoming events - how to reach other possible
> attendees
>     5) various ways to finding new sites and listing
> the ones we already have
> http://pontealto.netboardz.com/index.php is the
> location of the database/information board and to
> see the details, you must be logged in. If you live
> in, or play with Ponte Alto, please feel free to
> sign in and then share and discuss your
> ideas/information with the rest of us Pontoons.
> Check it out!
> As usual, let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks!
> Katharine
> THL Katharine Devereaux
> Barony of Ponte Alto
> Kingdom of Atlantia
> Baronial Seneschal
> Per Saltire Erminois and Pean
> > _______________________________________________
> Ponte-Alto mailing list
> Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org

          Lady Courtney de Houghton 
  Clerk of Law
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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