[Ponte Alto] Holiday Faire -- Baroness' Report

dcadenise at aol.com dcadenise at aol.com
Sun Nov 18 10:22:12 PST 2007

AND...Sir Guy was awarded the Queen's Order of Courtesy!
Slight?modification : Order of the Silver Osprey in absentia was awarded to Mistress Cunen Beornhelm

-----Original Message-----
From: Belphoebe <belfebe at yahoo.com>
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:08 am
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Holiday Faire -- Baroness' Report


Holiday Faire took place yesterday and it was a
terrific event, and it always is.  Lots of shopping,
fighting, singing and shooting archery took place and
much fun was had by all.  

In that regard, our Pontoons distinguished themselves
as follows:

Lord Miles de Locwode was made a companion of the
Order of the Opal; Lady Cunyan was made a companion of
the Order of the Silver Osprey in absentian (Countess
Denise has been tasked with delivering the scroll);
and Lady Sian verch Gwillim was awarded arms.

On the archery range, Sir Thomas of Calais won the
Turkey shoot, with great skill in his unique style. 
Just the thing for Thanksgiving!

Vivant for all these gentles!  You make this Barony

Yours in Service,

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