[Ponte Alto] Request for Donations at Holiday Faire
Sharon Henderson
revsharonhenderson at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 16 08:50:26 PST 2007
Greetings, gentle Cousins!
Tomorrow is Holiday Faire, as you probably all know by now. :) As Gift Basket Coordinator to Their Royal Majesties, I come before you to humbly beg your assistance.
Donations to the Gift Basket collection are desperately solicited. By the gracious permission of the folks running Holiday Faire, I will have a table set up for collection of items to include in Gift Baskets. These go sometimes to in-Atlantia recipients, but also to out-Kingdom recipients--giving us a unique and wonderful chance to show the generosity and creativity of Fair Atlantia's greatest asset: her citizenry! At the moment the cupboards are bear, and heavy gifting season is upon us, so I beg you to be generous. Come by on Saturday; drop off a donation, making certain your non-SCA name and contact info are featured on all items. Items can be (but are not limited to):
telephone calling cards
thank-you notes with a medieval look
rolls of stamps
lengths of trim
military-related items (archer's gloves? a chain-mail repair kit?)
garb items
food items (please list all ingredients in case of allergies)
jewelry items
Anything spiff that you can imagine!
Baskets to contain same
Pretty cloths to line or cover baskets
Some of these items go toward making someone's life as a royal or a landed Baron/ess easier and less expensive; others go toward just showing off how cool our artisans are and how inventive their minds. You will be assured of the gratitude of their majesties, and that of my own humble self. :)
At Holiday Faire, there will be an additional twist: a basket collection and an A&S competition all in one! Think of it as a way to practice entry and documentation.... :) If you just want to donate something, by all means bring it by. If it is something you have made, and you would like people to let you know what they think, the means will exist to display the items with rudimentary documentation (or without, just explain what it is). I will have a box available along with voting slips, and at the end of the day, the artisans/donators receiving the most votes for items will receive a spiffy prize--and I do mean spiffy. It will be on display at the table, so come on by to see what it is! (and of course to vote for your favourite item on the donations display table!)
So come to Holiday Faire for a fun day of shopping and fellowship--and please donate to the Kingdom Gift basket collection!
In Service to Atlantia and Their Majesties,
Meli ferch Iasper
Gift Basket Coordinator
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