[Ponte Alto] Swordfest 2007, July 14th

JL Badgley tatsushu at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 04:05:20 PDT 2007

I mentioned this to several people at Baronial Birthday, but our dojo,
the Virginia Kenshinkai and the Capital Area Budokai, is hosting an
event called 'SwordFest'.  A link below will take you to the
discussion and event announcement on SwordForum International:


The lineup looks pretty full right now, but if anyone wants to do a
demonstration or just put up a table about what we do, please let me
know.  My battodo instructor, David Drawdy, has asked if we could put
on some kind of demo of the heavy combat that we do.

The event is open to the public (well, as many as we can fit in the
dojo).  If you'd like more information, please drop me a line.


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