[Ponte Alto] Artisans' Row, June 23

mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Tue Jun 12 17:56:29 PDT 2007

Good evening!

Challenge of the Heart is coming up in less than two weeks, June 22-24. On
Saturday, Dun Carraig will be hosting an Artisans Row, where artisans can come,
sit, work on their art, chat with other artisans, show off, teach, learn, all
without the stress of judging and scores.


We already have embroiderers, wire weavers, bakers, mead makers, shoemakers,
among many others. Please come join us! Everybody, from the newest newcomer to
the oldes..., I mean, the most experienced artisans are welcome. ;-)

Please drop me a line if you're interested.


PS – Please forgive the rampant cross-posting. :-) Feel free to spread even

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