[Ponte Alto] No advertisement for Blood Bath?

renata_hentzau at cox.net renata_hentzau at cox.net
Fri Feb 23 13:47:39 PST 2007

Tourney of the White Tower. Basically an event/demo wherein the fighters vied to be Champion and Warden of the tall White Tower sticking up in the middle of the Mall there...

Restrictions by the Park Service may be what ended that tournament. The whole "weapons" thing. (You might want to check out their restrictions before you schedule a practice). I remember going before I joined the SCA & the arts demos really interested me. A year or two later when I got out of grad school, I found my way to the Knowne World! 

But it's true... I work down town and on my weekends, it takes something VERY special to drag me across the Potomac.

Not to mention the whole parking situation down there...

If we are truly strapped for new members, then colleges are the traditional way to go.


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