[Ponte Alto] No advertisement for Blood Bath?

Ynes Garcia ynes at sskip.net
Fri Feb 23 14:12:54 PST 2007

Tournament of the Tower is what Storvik named the demo that they held at the
base of the Washington Monument.  I don't know if the one I attended was the
only one or if there were others before it as that one was before I moved to
the area.

I'm sure there are local people on the Mall on a weekend, I've occasionally gone
down there on a bright sunny day, but the people I talked to at that demo were
from out of town.

I did talk to a whole lot of local non-SCAdians as I worked Troll at last year's
St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath.  I think that fighting demos would be a lot more
effective recruiting tools if the potential recruits could try out the
fighting, but the society demo policy strictly prohibits all but authorized
fighters from fighting at demos.

- Ynes

Quoting guylestran at aol.com:

> Tournament of the Tower?  What's that?
> I figured some folks from around town would be there,  I saw like 100 people
> in the sping playing naked (well the shirts said they were) kickball.
> "Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ynes at sskip.net
> To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
> Sent: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 4:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] No advertisement for Blood Bath?
> I attended the last Tournament of the Tower that Storvik hosted.  Mostly, it
> attracted people from out of town.  That is the nature of the Mall on a
> weekend.
> - Ynes
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