[Ponte Alto] St. Paddy's Blood Bath

Snoleopard4 at aol.com Snoleopard4 at aol.com
Wed Feb 7 07:58:49 PST 2007

Greetings to all the Barony!
We will be having a Bake Sale Fund Raiser at this years Blood Bath for THR  
travel fund.  I will be heading up the sale and am looking for gentles who  
would like to contribute baked goods or candies.  We will be looking  
specifically for assorted cookies, bar cookies, candies,  cupcakes and the such. We will 
also be selling hot drinks.  I  would like to request that any goods 
contributed be wrapped prior to  the event in either plastic wrap or plastic bags.  
If you are interested in either contributing or helping out for an hour or  
so during the day (which would be greatly appreciated!), please contact me  
privately at _snoleopard4 at aol.com_ (mailto:snoleopard4 at aol.com) .  
Lady Wulfwyn
"We listened  for a voice crying in the wilderness. And we heard the 
jubilation of the  wolves!"
Durwood L. Allen
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