[Ponte Alto] The indoor site proposal

thrid at aol.com thrid at aol.com
Sun Dec 23 16:20:34 PST 2007

To All,

It was my understanding the emergency committee?is designed?to make decisions in an expedient time frame... not just for dealing with crises.

Certainly, the situation we are facing is one in which an expedient decision is optimal.? The fighters of the Barony have had two practices a week for quite some time, however Sunday practices - due to weather - have been sporadic and nonexistent during the depth of Winter.? An indoor Sunday site is, therefore, not a "Bonus" so much as a means to maintain the schedule and momentum which we have had and are developing.

Without an expedient decision by the Emergency Committee, we will lose the opportunity to maintain this schedule and momentum throughout the entire month of January and will have to start anew if and when we ever do find an indoor site or practices recommence at the end of Winter.

If this does not qualify as a decision requiring expedient action by the Emergency Committee, then I'm not quite sure what does.? Just as if a Kingdom-level event opportunity had made itself available to the Barony and required expedient response, so to has this opportunity developed in a very time-restricted manner that likewise requires expedient response.? And just as if a competent committee wishing to run that Kingdom-level event had expressed its expedient need to the Emergency Committee, so to have the "Committee" of fighters come to the Barony seeking similar approval.

This quite experienced Committee of Senior Fighters (since supplemented by additional commitments - both financial and temporal) has tried to layout the need, the necessity for expedient action, the specific costs, the significant and broad potential benefits to the Barony, and has even made itself liable for a significant fraction of those costs to minimize the Baronial risk.

I again hope that this helps frame the need for the decision and the need for the timely action of the Emergency Committee.

We are seeking the broad approval of the Barony as a whole through this list to help the Emergency Committee in understanding the desires of the populace on this opportunity -- and so that they might quickly act to take advantage of it.

Thomas of Calais

-----Original Message-----
From: Lady Millicent Chandler <millicent.chandler at gmail.com>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 4:13 pm
Subject: [Ponte Alto] The indoor site proposal

Greetings to the Barony of Ponte Alto,

I think the proposal for using the Lemon Road Elementary School for
Sunday gatherings is a fantastic idea and I hope that the members of
the Barony decide to take advantage of this opportunity. I urge the
Baronial members who proposed this activity two days ago to bring an
official proposal to the January 27, 2008 business meeting so that the
Barony can take a financial vote. (Be sure to bring your membership
card as only paid SCA members over the age of 18 are allowed to vote
on finances per Baronial Financial Policy.)

The Emergency Financial Committee votes for expenditures when there is
an immediate need for capital. For example: we ran out of paint while
painting the list fence last year and took a quick vote to approve
more money so that the fence wouldn't go back into storage half done.
Another example would be if we lost an event site shortly before an
event and needed to approve funding for another site. We currently
have a practice space for Thursday nights which does not appear to be
going away. This proposed Sunday practice is a bonus and, as such,
does not constitute an emergency.

I may appear a killjoy; however, I have a responsibility for looking
after the Barony's financial well-being and I must follow certain
rules for approving expenditures. Again, I urge the members who
brought this offer to the Barony to please bring a proposal to next
month's business meeting so that the Barony can vote upon it then.

In service,

Lady Millicent Chandler
Chancellor of the Exchequer
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